That's one small step on a treadmill, one giant mile for Evelyn's kind!

So it happens to be that on my most unmotivated gym days, I tend to surprise myself. Yesterday, I jogged my first consistent mile since I was 13. Can you believe that?? It started out with a lack of wanting to work out at all. I have been at the gym all week and was already achy in the randomest places. So yesterday, I decided it was going to be an "easy walking day" and I'd walk my mile in in like 20 minutes. Once on the treadmill, I was even MORE unamused with working out and figured "Well I can never finish a mile without jogging and walking but maybe if I jog as much as I can as quick as I can, I'll be over with it faster. If I can do at least a quarter of it without my shins kicking my ass, I will be happy". The quarter mile, breezes by and I figure "Maybe I can jog my first half mile... If I can do this I seriously will freak out"! Half a mile later and I was still okay... so I kept going at this point I decided "Screw three quarters, we...