Party like it's 1999... again.

So I always wondered what a High School reunion would be like. My only reference is Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, which is a movie I adored!!

When I was in high school, I pictured coming back to the auditorium (or something of than nature) only to notice that not much has changed... after all Chula Vista is so small I know a lot of people that stay in the area forever. I pictured the "mean girls" will still be the "mean girls", the "jocks" will still be the "jocks"! Kimberly (my high school best friend) and I would come back to see that we have jett setted around the world and home would still feel like "home".


My high school reunion is tonight and some things feel strange. Thanks to social websites like myspace and facebook, I have managed to stay in contact and reunite with so many high school friends well before 10 years. As awesome as that is, I have noticed so much about what happens after high school.

For starters, most people did do so much growing up! People left town, got married, had children. Kimberly and I talk on occasion but we are definitely no Romy and Michele. Well that's another thing, I don't look like I did in high school anymore. Part of me hopes that when I see old friends they will think I have matured and am beautiful, but who knows... maybe they'll say "who ate Evelyn"? However, that lame concern was one of the reasons I even debated going back for a reunion.

I spoke to many, many adults in my life and many of then had decided to skip out on the entire event.


Well, because high school was apparently an awkward time for EVERYONE! Even former prom kings and queens felt like those days were so shallow and sad. Wallflowers who are no longer wallflowers couldn't help but feel that tinge of fear when thinking about facing the people they tried to fit in with during those days.

In the end, that is the reason I decided to not worry about it so much and enjoy the experience. If everyone in the world felt the same way I did back then, they probably are experiencing a little bit of the nerves that I feel now. So with that said, I'm just gonna go and be me.... because I think that's awesome enough!

I actually got some peace of mind from a song written by a 17 year old. Miley says is best... The DJ plays my song and I feel alright!!


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