
Showing posts from March, 2009

So guess who's decided to stop being lazy???

As I was watching The Biggest Loser last night night, I was inspired by how some of these people have managed to push themselves from virtually inactive couch potatoes to these outrageously strong fit people! I mean, they pulled a car for the love of Pete! Since the beginning of this new year I have come to terms with the extra pounds I have gained and realize that at 28, inactive is not what I strive to be! I mean, I have never been a particularly slender person, this is not uncommon information. Although around 12 years old I was a size 3... but in high school I've always been at least 15 pounds over my recommended weight. I'm "five feet of funk" and have always been about 127. For my tiny stature, I should be between 104-115.... but that is just ludicrous to me! Currently I'm around.... lots more than that (see what I did there with the elusiveness?)! While I have always been a pretty confident girl (I AM curvy and fabulous), my issue with my fitness is the la

Fanfare Please! Da, da, da, dah!!!

Or maybe a fanfare wouldn't be the appropriate song for my triumphant return to blogging. I'm not really very royal at all.... it's not like anybody ever mistakes me for a princess or something. Does El Salvador even have a princess? Mayan maybe. :p I've always thought about which songs I'd make my entrance to if I ever became an awesome MMA fighter... lol. Which I TOTALLY could be (Gina Carano anyone?). I have narrowed down to some classics such as Eye of the Tiger (by Survivor), Black Betty (by Spiderbait), Victory (by Puff Daddy), Ether (by Nas), and some newer stuff like Lap Dance (by NERD), and maybe even Beautiful (by Akon)... because let's face it, life is still runway and like RuPaul says "You better work"! (loving this song lately..btw) Okay, okay so I'm off topic already... my point is that through some serious coaching from my friend (thanks Ike ), I'm ready to give this online overgrown diary another chance. Ha ha ha... just kidding