
Showing posts from December, 2010

Where did 2010 go?

You can't say I didn't warn anyone of what a terrible blogger I am! It's been over a year since my last update. This year has flown by, I will do my best to recap it as best as I can. Career in 2010: In May of this year I complete my Bachelor's degree in Business Management. As proud as that makes me, now I have to figure out what people do with their degree. What the heck I'm gonna do with the rest of my career? This is me and my sister's best friend, Griselda. I feel at a crossroads. While my current job is awesome, I have appeared to have outgrown it a bit and everyone here is encouraging me to move on to greener pastures. However I've been applying to various positions and have been getting few call backs. I'm trying to stay patient and positive, but it's hard not to develop a complex that I finished school to suck at life. But my goal in 2011 is to find the job that's right for me and really work hard to show the world what I can do! Fitness