The Emancipation of Evie...

As my very first writing entry, I would like to give you a little background on me, I'd like to think I'm your average girl... or at least I try to be.

I am Latin-American born in Los Angeles and raised in sunny San Diego. My parents are both Salvadorian... although I have never actually been there I'm actually very proud to be Central American! I think I have a fairly large family however after my parents divorced when I was young... we didn't really do many family things after that. So I grew up with limited family in my life.... it consited of mostly myself, my mother, and my sister. I am really grateful for that, becuase the three of us have this crazy love/hate bond that at this point I feel is unbreakable, I feel a little unfortunate that we never grew up with many cousins and family friends in our life.... but I feel like the three of us hit the ground running to succeed.

Although the bulk of the struggling came from my fabulous mother... I don't know how she accomplished all the things she has becuase at my age now, I can barely wipe my own butt!! Yet am told that I'm very responsible for as young as I am... by now I think my mom was already going through the worst of the drama in her life. She did all of the things she had to do to allow my sister and I grow and succeed and for that, I doubt I'll ever be able to repay her what it means to me.

Off in another city, my father moved back to Los Angeles after they seperated. He suffered his own fair share of struggling however he did so in private becuase I think he tried to shield his kids from the things he was going through. I can't resent that in any way... he didn't dissapear or anything... he made mostly cameo appearances in my adolesence and hasn't been until my adulthood that he has become a really dear parent and friend. I guess you gotta hit the floor a few times before you see all the things that are important in your life.... I'm sure my dad realizes that now.

So enough on that I'd write a book if I went on....

I'm fairly different than most women in my life and I find myself relating so much more to my male friends more often in my personality and thinking.... go figure. The best way to describe it is to be as simple as I can be... as a woman I find myself really pondering life.... but the dude in me wants to ultimately just do all the things that make me happy.

What makes me happy you ask?? Well let me tell you.

My husband is the one thing that really rocks my socks!! I love that guy... he's hilarious, he's patient... you'll get to meet him more through my blogs I'm sure..... you'll also meet my good friends!!! They're great too.... my boys are just my that "my boys".... and my girlfriends are just all across the board... but amazing as can be!! I love them all!
So while it's a little less deep than I'd like it my first blog to be but what can I say.... you'll come to see that my life is lived carefree... but I have my moments.

I strive for fabulosity but get too lazy to achieve it! There is soooo much I do not understand about myself, what I do, and why I do things.... so maybe we can sort some thoughts out in this giant webpage will be random I can guarantee it. I pretty much do what I want, when I want to. So with preemptive apologies on my mis-spellings and lack of wisdom..... are you ready?


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