30 days of clarity...

So in a healing effort to get my mind right, I've decided to make choices and take actions that will help me release and let go of any residual pain, sadness, cloudy haze that I carry as a result of my break up. I feel like I have taken leaps and bound in the past two years from broken mess, to still a little chipped. 😉 While I wish I could wipe my hands of all negativity, it's in situations I least expect that I realize the scar tissue I carry with me will always be there. I sincerely miss the days when life was so care free. With that said, this is day one. Easter Sunday 2015. Started the day off with some church with always heals my soul and I realize that I need to pray for myself as much as I pray for others. It usually hasn't been a part of my daily prayer because I would always feel semi selfish to pray for "things" rather than count my blessings. For now I started with a prayer for strength, clarity, healing, and direction. I pray that he guides me in the right direction in all aspects if my life. Career, health, love... Having that faith that someone is looking out for me is a good motivation to make amazing things happen. I went on a blind date recently. Really nice guy, maybe a bit young, but I went because I want to make an effort to live life to the fullest and not be bitter about love. I may not be ready for all that comes with a relationship, but I do miss having a best friend. So I'm okay with establishing friendships for now because I will never know if and when love will knock me off my feet. So day one... Success. 💕


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