

The trouble is... I would love to consider myself pretty mature. Definitely not brand new... There is just so much I still don't know about life, love, and relationships, and that drives me insane. I thought I knew so much, and now I feel like I could have not known anything at all. Why can't people just mean what they say... Why not just be honest? Why can't I be a robot and not care about others even when I know they wouldn't care about me. These questions bother me, but I know the answer. I wouldn't be me if I was the type to not feel, to not care, to not still dream of the fairy tale. Is that naive of me? Will that mean I'm destined for a life of disappointment? I hope not. I have been focusing on myself and just giving that part of myself a break in hopes that I can come to some comfort, guidance, direction about what I really want to do next. I'm not in a rush... I know these things take a great amount of time and given my guarded state, even m...


I often wonder if my life choices are right or wrong... I try and make calculated and thoughtful decisions, but then I wonder if I should take more risks. Risks are defines as exposure (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss. I don't necessary feel like I have much to lose lately. Having endured so much you realize it doesn't take much to make you happy. I have my health, I have a home, I have love... What more can I ask for. With that said I feel like if I am ever going to take risks, in life, in my career, in love... Now would be the moment. It's just scary. It's out of my comfort zone... I don't usually take risks. But I'm leaving my life in the hands of God and praying he leads me down the right paths.

30 days of clarity...

So in a healing effort to get my mind right, I've decided to make choices and take actions that will help me release and let go of any residual pain, sadness, cloudy haze that I carry as a result of my break up. I feel like I have taken leaps and bound in the past two years from broken mess, to still a little chipped. 😉 While I wish I could wipe my hands of all negativity, it's in situations I least expect that I realize the scar tissue I carry with me will always be there. I sincerely miss the days when life was so care free. With that said, this is day one. Easter Sunday 2015. Started the day off with some church with always heals my soul and I realize that I need to pray for myself as much as I pray for others. It usually hasn't been a part of my daily prayer because I would always feel semi selfish to pray for "things" rather than count my blessings. For now I started with a prayer for strength, clarity, healing, and direction. I pray that he guides me in...

Strange love.

So 2013, you've really kicked me in the face. I'm currently in the process of getting divorced. Never thought I'd say those words in my lifetime, but it happens. It wasn't good... In fact it was pretty foul. None the less, here I am in my little studio writing some thoughts down so I don't forget what these 5 months have been for me. I realized I'm a tougher cookie than I ever imagined. As much as I pride myself coming from a family of strong women, I'm extra proud to say I haven't let myself down. I live and love hard, so losing my soul mate has been painful, unfair, sad and mainly weird. It's unnatural to fall out of love with someone you promised to love forever. I tried being amicable but that turned out to be challenging because of all the hurt I still feel. So we hardly talk, and that's okay with me for now. I'm sure someday we can have a genuine conversation but for now he's still busy being "that guy" and I'm bus...

Where did 2010 go?

You can't say I didn't warn anyone of what a terrible blogger I am! It's been over a year since my last update. This year has flown by, I will do my best to recap it as best as I can. Career in 2010: In May of this year I complete my Bachelor's degree in Business Management. As proud as that makes me, now I have to figure out what people do with their degree. What the heck I'm gonna do with the rest of my career? This is me and my sister's best friend, Griselda. I feel at a crossroads. While my current job is awesome, I have appeared to have outgrown it a bit and everyone here is encouraging me to move on to greener pastures. However I've been applying to various positions and have been getting few call backs. I'm trying to stay patient and positive, but it's hard not to develop a complex that I finished school to suck at life. But my goal in 2011 is to find the job that's right for me and really work hard to show the world what I can do! Fitness...

Party like it's 1999... again.

So I always wondered what a High School reunion would be like. My only reference is Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, which is a movie I adored!! When I was in high school, I pictured coming back to the auditorium (or something of than nature) only to notice that not much has changed... after all Chula Vista is so small I know a lot of people that stay in the area forever. I pictured the "mean girls" will still be the "mean girls", the "jocks" will still be the "jocks"! Kimberly (my high school best friend) and I would come back to see that we have jett setted around the world and home would still feel like "home". Wrong. My high school reunion is tonight and some things feel strange. Thanks to social websites like myspace and facebook, I have managed to stay in contact and reunite with so many high school friends well before 10 years. As awesome as that is, I have noticed so much about what happens after high school. For star...

Early Mid-Life Crisis??

Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques and used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age (Thank you Wikipedia). I think I happen to be going through this at 28. Just for some clarity, I have been feeling the huge desire lately that I should be more "established" than I currently am at my age. Why you ask? I don't know, isn't that what is supposed to happen? What do I mean by established? Well let's see, I got married about two years ago to a man I have known since 17 but started dating at 21. My co-workers, mother, father, in-laws, friends.... actually most people in our lives have been ready for me to pop out a child. Yet I'm not even close to feeling prepared for all that! I mean, I love babies, I really do.... but who is gonna pay for its daycare? Where will it sleep? Wh...