Happy Birthday to the hottest man on the planet!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen.... in close second to my husband, Mr. Brad Pitt turns 44 today!!

Now, I have had a massive crush on this man since I saw him in the 7th grade, on the big screen in Interview with a Vampire!

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Awww.... Louis de Pointe du Lac.... How I love you so!!

That was back in 1994!!! Now I know he was in several movies before then, but what's a 13 year old gonna do watching Thelma and Louise?? I saw his other movies, such as Kalifornia and Cool World after I developed the most massive crush in the history of my existence!!

So let's go back to the beginning. It was 1993 I think (7th grade) and a group of us... I'm gonna say it was Tonya, Danielle, Valerie, Kim, Elizabeth, Tim, Mando, Isaac, and a few other folk had all planned to see the release of this really creepy vampire movie. Knowing Tom Cruise (pre-crazy) was going to be in it as well, I was all about it! Plus at the time I had a massive crush on Tim.... he was the JT of my day... so any opportunity to be near the guy I was gonna take it!

To my surprise, my mother gave me permission to go, and Kim and I did our "oh so normal hike" over to the Chula Vista mall to meet up with our friends!

Waiting in line, getting my popcorn, finding our seats was turning into such complicated tasks as I struggled to not freak out at the fact that my Jr. High crush was standing so close to at all times, even though he was actually paying more attention to the other chicks... jerk! ha ha ha!

Moving on, Kim and I are sitting close together and we're being silly as usual. We actually were the loudest and rowdiest crowd.... and so I was expecting to only catch bits and pieces of the film between our shenanigans... that was until HE came on the big screen.

Like and angel.... soft spoken, beautiful, sincere.... and he was playing a friggin' vampire!! Everyone else in the theatre disappeared.... to the point I think Tim may have talked to me at some point during the film but I'm sure my responses were limited to "uh huh" and "uh"?

All I could do was wish myself into the film... hope to be little Kristen Dunst who happens to kiss my man in the film!

So after the flick was done and I realized "Darn, I'm still me... here in Chula Vista, no where close to my 30 year old, mature husband... the man I must hunt down and marry!"

Now 13 years later.... a 26 year old and still not any closer to my dream hubby, I have learned a thing or two about this amazing man! He's perfect at everything.... and I mean everything!!! Great model, great actor, great man, even a good mistake maker.... although I did like Jennifer Aniston! He's also a great father and awesome philanthropist!! I swear this man only gets better with age....


So happy birthday Mr. Perfect.... I thank you for keeping a ginormous smile on my inner tween for soooo many years!! You never cease to amaze me!! Muah!!

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As good as it gets, with the exception of my hubby who is just perfection!!


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