So guess who's decided to stop being lazy???

As I was watching The Biggest Loser last night night, I was inspired by how some of these people have managed to push themselves from virtually inactive couch potatoes to these outrageously strong fit people! I mean, they pulled a car for the love of Pete!

Since the beginning of this new year I have come to terms with the extra pounds I have gained and realize that at 28, inactive is not what I strive to be! I mean, I have never been a particularly slender person, this is not uncommon information. Although around 12 years old I was a size 3... but in high school I've always been at least 15 pounds over my recommended weight. I'm "five feet of funk" and have always been about 127. For my tiny stature, I should be between 104-115.... but that is just ludicrous to me!

Currently I'm around.... lots more than that (see what I did there with the elusiveness?)! While I have always been a pretty confident girl (I AM curvy and fabulous), my issue with my fitness is the lack of strength and energy I have to do active things! I don't want to peak at 21!

Ten years ago, I lived for dancing and walked absolutely everywhere! Nowadays the most activity I get is a brisk walk during my lunch hour... and about a year ago I was practically passing out at about a half the block from exhaustion! I know scary huh?

Love has been good to me.... and a little "too good" to my figure, since I realize now that it's been all those steak dinners and stay at home movie & snack nights that have accomplished this weight gain! I know my husband adores me and I 100% believe him when he tells me I'm beautiful. However this new found fitness kick is something I want to do for us! It's not very often we both want to accomplish this type of goal. In the past, one of us easily unmotivated the other. Not this time.... we're focused and we're determined! I will be fit again!

My goals aren't even so much "weight loss" oriented as much as "ass kicking" oriented. Prior to my wedding in 2007 I started working my way up this hill near my job. It leads from Mission Valley to Hillcrest and it was no easy feat. The first few times it took me working up and almost a full hour to walk over to the bottom of this hill and back. Little by little I've been able to make it to the top and back within the hour. Still not as fast as my 50 year old co-workers! Does anyone realize how embarrassing THAT is? I'm half their age and they can take off on me! They say it because their strides are longer but that still doesn't account for the 50 year old retired lifeguard that I see jogging up the hill and back in the time it takes me to walk half way!

There in lies my goal. I'm 28, and I should be able to run up this hill and back. Lately my lunch walk has been replaced with fitness videos and the gym since my lunch hour is usually spent covering co-workers who are also on part time like me (stinkin' recession!). I am NOT giving up on this goal.... I'm building my up to a decent mile time (because in 15 minutes I'm sure is NOT very good) and hope that this will train me for the trek uphill and back withing a half hour!
I can do this, and partnered with my new fake love of healthy food (another story) I'm hoping weight loss is a happy side effect!

I'll keep you updated! ;)


Ike D said…
Blog request: about the fake love of healthy food.
Inez said…
Can't wait to hear more....

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