
Showing posts from 2009

Party like it's 1999... again.

So I always wondered what a High School reunion would be like. My only reference is Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, which is a movie I adored!! When I was in high school, I pictured coming back to the auditorium (or something of than nature) only to notice that not much has changed... after all Chula Vista is so small I know a lot of people that stay in the area forever. I pictured the "mean girls" will still be the "mean girls", the "jocks" will still be the "jocks"! Kimberly (my high school best friend) and I would come back to see that we have jett setted around the world and home would still feel like "home". Wrong. My high school reunion is tonight and some things feel strange. Thanks to social websites like myspace and facebook, I have managed to stay in contact and reunite with so many high school friends well before 10 years. As awesome as that is, I have noticed so much about what happens after high school. For star

Early Mid-Life Crisis??

Midlife crisis is a term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques and used in Western societies to describe a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some individuals in the "middle years" of life, as a result of sensing the passing of youth and the imminence of old age (Thank you Wikipedia). I think I happen to be going through this at 28. Just for some clarity, I have been feeling the huge desire lately that I should be more "established" than I currently am at my age. Why you ask? I don't know, isn't that what is supposed to happen? What do I mean by established? Well let's see, I got married about two years ago to a man I have known since 17 but started dating at 21. My co-workers, mother, father, in-laws, friends.... actually most people in our lives have been ready for me to pop out a child. Yet I'm not even close to feeling prepared for all that! I mean, I love babies, I really do.... but who is gonna pay for its daycare? Where will it sleep? Wh

That's one small step on a treadmill, one giant mile for Evelyn's kind!

So it happens to be that on my most unmotivated gym days, I tend to surprise myself. Yesterday, I jogged my first consistent mile since I was 13. Can you believe that?? It started out with a lack of wanting to work out at all. I have been at the gym all week and was already achy in the randomest places. So yesterday, I decided it was going to be an "easy walking day" and I'd walk my mile in in like 20 minutes. Once on the treadmill, I was even MORE unamused with working out and figured "Well I can never finish a mile without jogging and walking but maybe if I jog as much as I can as quick as I can, I'll be over with it faster. If I can do at least a quarter of it without my shins kicking my ass, I will be happy". The quarter mile, breezes by and I figure "Maybe I can jog my first half mile... If I can do this I seriously will freak out"! Half a mile later and I was still okay... so I kept going at this point I decided "Screw three quarters, we

Aaaaaand my work here is done... j/k!

So how is the fitness program going?? Well I've been doing really well about religiously working out for about 4 months now. I feel stronger and can see slight (and I mean slight) changes in my body as far as flexibility and endurance.... so that's a good start! The scale however, continues to taunt me by not budging an inch. Granted I know that I should also be on a hard core diet in order to see some crazy results... but "come on scale.... not even a pound??" I have been trying to stay away from the unnecessary snacks and all, but I'm Latin... beans, rice, and grilled something is part of my diet! That doesn't change as quickly as I'd like it to... and it happens to be 5co de Mayo today.... so margaritas WILL have to be consumed. It's just the way it is. None the less, there is a hill I've been trying to conquer. It's the same type hill I couldn't walk up a few years ago that I can now do the 3 mile trek in about 48 minutes. That's pr

People with big brains are fascinating...

Artistically or even just for the irrelevant facts, I am fascinated by/attracted to people with giant brains! I myself, am terrible... absolutely TERRIBLE at everything! I have no talent and am really kind of a bimbo. In school, I successfully was able to maintain average grades in honors classes. I legitimately believe that I WAS the dumbest girl in all my classes and may have solely been there for the entertainment value of my shenanigans! Well, 10 years later and still in college, I think it might have just been confirmed as true. As a kid, I loved having long conversations with just about anyone who would teach me everything from how to watch football, how they acquired the career they are in, to even talks about relationships why stuff happens. I think I may know more than I let people assume that I know... However, academics and writing, is definitely not my forte. Example one: One best friend who I used to work for is urked by the use of the word "agreeance" in our lan

But listen, let me clear my throat... Oh, have mercy babe, Ha! I hope ya don't mind, let me clear my throat.

***Stepping on my soap box**** Okay, so nobody ever really reads my blog, which is perfectly fine with with me.... it allows me to say what I need to say without the fear of offending the world... because it appears that now-a-days you can't help but offend someone so very easily. With that said, I think it's totally unfair to cast stones at Miss California for voicing her opinion in a pageant last night. Why? Because it's a friggen pageant!! She's not running for office and she's certainly not making decisions on who gets married in our society (although if she voted she did contribute to it) but the decision, as she started to answer has been all ours this entire time! Now don't get me wrong, I consider myself a pretty religious person... I was raised Catholic and really feel strongly about my spirituality and relationship with God. However, I don't believe he does not love a particular type of people (regardless of what is insinuated in the bible)... I

The Mouse was in the house.... with wine!

So yesterday my husband and I went to Disney's California Adventure.... or as July calls it, "Round 5 of my never ending birthday celebrations"! (I think he's a bit bitter?) Ha ha ha. We had the two-fer tickets from the last visit when we went for free on my birthday! I had never been to California Adventure and let me say it did not disappoint. Maybe it's because I'm older that we had such a great time there... it had much less crowds than regular Disneyland and the rides themselves were much more fun! My poor husband was particularly unamused by the Tower of Terror. He doesn't like things that are unexpected so when he was caught off guard (read: scared), he decided not to get back on that again. To quote him "That ride is just wrong". After our ride, we saw a 3D Muppet show (amazing), rode California Screamin' (twice... the best), and lots lots more. We even went wine tasting for dessert wines in the little Napa Valley looking area! Leave

So guess who's decided to stop being lazy???

As I was watching The Biggest Loser last night night, I was inspired by how some of these people have managed to push themselves from virtually inactive couch potatoes to these outrageously strong fit people! I mean, they pulled a car for the love of Pete! Since the beginning of this new year I have come to terms with the extra pounds I have gained and realize that at 28, inactive is not what I strive to be! I mean, I have never been a particularly slender person, this is not uncommon information. Although around 12 years old I was a size 3... but in high school I've always been at least 15 pounds over my recommended weight. I'm "five feet of funk" and have always been about 127. For my tiny stature, I should be between 104-115.... but that is just ludicrous to me! Currently I'm around.... lots more than that (see what I did there with the elusiveness?)! While I have always been a pretty confident girl (I AM curvy and fabulous), my issue with my fitness is the la

Fanfare Please! Da, da, da, dah!!!

Or maybe a fanfare wouldn't be the appropriate song for my triumphant return to blogging. I'm not really very royal at all.... it's not like anybody ever mistakes me for a princess or something. Does El Salvador even have a princess? Mayan maybe. :p I've always thought about which songs I'd make my entrance to if I ever became an awesome MMA fighter... lol. Which I TOTALLY could be (Gina Carano anyone?). I have narrowed down to some classics such as Eye of the Tiger (by Survivor), Black Betty (by Spiderbait), Victory (by Puff Daddy), Ether (by Nas), and some newer stuff like Lap Dance (by NERD), and maybe even Beautiful (by Akon)... because let's face it, life is still runway and like RuPaul says "You better work"! (loving this song lately..btw) Okay, okay so I'm off topic already... my point is that through some serious coaching from my friend (thanks Ike ), I'm ready to give this online overgrown diary another chance. Ha ha ha... just kidding