That's one small step on a treadmill, one giant mile for Evelyn's kind!

So it happens to be that on my most unmotivated gym days, I tend to surprise myself. Yesterday, I jogged my first consistent mile since I was 13. Can you believe that??

It started out with a lack of wanting to work out at all. I have been at the gym all week and was already achy in the randomest places.

So yesterday, I decided it was going to be an "easy walking day" and I'd walk my mile in in like 20 minutes. Once on the treadmill, I was even MORE unamused with working out and figured "Well I can never finish a mile without jogging and walking but maybe if I jog as much as I can as quick as I can, I'll be over with it faster. If I can do at least a quarter of it without my shins kicking my ass, I will be happy". The quarter mile, breezes by and I figure "Maybe I can jog my first half mile... If I can do this I seriously will freak out"! Half a mile later and I was still okay... so I kept going at this point I decided "Screw three quarters, we're jogging this mile!" So I'm jogging, and watching my husband lift weights, distracting myself with the tv, singing myself songs. .98,.99, 1 mile in 15 minutes!

Wooo hoo! I ran off and started screaming and freaking out like I've just been called as the next contestant on the Price is Right!! Ha ha ha... my husband hugged me so hard, he knew what this meant to me. So I hoped back on and tried to do more... only it was not as I did 3 miles in total and still felt so proud I went ahead and finished my weights, crunches, and squats! I'm so excited.... I know this is a drop in the bucket for what I should be doing physically, but I can't believe what I just accomplished.

One mile down, 25.2 miles to go! Lol.


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