People with big brains are fascinating...

Artistically or even just for the irrelevant facts, I am fascinated by/attracted to people with giant brains! I myself, am terrible... absolutely TERRIBLE at everything! I have no talent and am really kind of a bimbo.

In school, I successfully was able to maintain average grades in honors classes. I legitimately believe that I WAS the dumbest girl in all my classes and may have solely been there for the entertainment value of my shenanigans! Well, 10 years later and still in college, I think it might have just been confirmed as true.

As a kid, I loved having long conversations with just about anyone who would teach me everything from how to watch football, how they acquired the career they are in, to even talks about relationships why stuff happens. I think I may know more than I let people assume that I know... However, academics and writing, is definitely not my forte.

Example one:
One best friend who I used to work for is urked by the use of the word "agreeance" in our language... "It's not a real word" and it drove her bananas when people would use it.

I use it.... that is, I USED to use it until that day she pointed out someone who used it and was "a moron"... woops, point one for the English language!

Example two:
One of my other best friends is a communications major.... poor, poor thing hates online chatting with me! I hardly ever make any sense and when she corrects me, my only defense is:

"Well, you know what I meant!"

dammit... :p

Example three:
Thus solidifying my value for a good laugh, was today. As I was writing my college paper and decided I need to look up the word "intrical" to make sure I was spelling it correctly. So I googled it and the first definition comes from it says:

A word that doesn't exist. Usually used by dumbasses who really mean to use the word integral.
"It's an intrical part..."
"Intrical isn't a word, dumbass"


My bad... so much for trying to get my college paper writing on! These things only happen to me.... I then proceeded to laugh at myself for about twenty good minutes.

Touche' English language, Touche'!


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